Andy and Chris's Photo

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Maybe Accepting Guests

  • 74% response rate
  • Last login about 1 hour ago

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  • 105 references 94 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 35, Other
  • Member since 2016
  • Truck driver
  • High school diploma
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

‼️ Hello and thanks for checking out our profile. This travel season we going to be taking the couchsurfing a little be easy, not accepting as many guests as we usually do. So If you apply and we don't respond it's likely because we're too busy and can't get to you, as we won't be opening the app as often. That being said apply anyways and it might just land on the day that we can host, thanks‼️

I (Andy) am a musician and a small business owner, Chris is a tattoo artist and also small business owner, and Aviendha is the kid.
We visited Thailand for the first time years ago, and completely fell in love with Asia and travelling. Since then we've seen 6 countries in Asia. Now we're on a mission to help out our fellow travellers.

Please read my profile if you're applying to stay, don't have to read all of it, just the important bits for info. I'll try to put as much information about my place as possible in my home section.

Our interests are many! But a few examples are:
Meeting new people, learning about new cultures and ways of life, sightseeing and experiencing new things.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I love the idea of experiencing, firsthand, the ways of life and completely submerging myself in a new culture. I am also very excited to be able to meet new people, and show them my own way of life back in Canada when I can host my own travelers.


Meeting new people, music, art, trekking, games with other people (cards, dice, board games etc). Pretty much anything that's new to me, and includes friendly people.

  • arts
  • culture
  • books
  • board games
  • traveling
  • music
  • sightseeing

Music, Movies, and Books

I am a lover of a huge repertoire of music, ranging from folk and blues, to punk and metal. I am a true lover of musical art, and am always willing to hear new or local stuff.
Movies are the same usually, but I find myself more drawn to classic movies from the 80s and 90s. (Aliens, Mad Max, Indiana Jones..)
Book interests are usually limited to Sci Fi and fantasy, like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have been on tour with my band many times across Canada. Hiked up a mountain or two and a volcano.

Teach, Learn, Share

If there is one thing I can teach, I hope it would be that there are genuinely nice and decent people out there that love to completely surround themselves with positive people and new experiences.
I am always open to learning anything new that people are willing to teach. I am an open book, with a few pages blank, to fill in with these pieces of information.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I love swapping stories and experiences with new people from all over the world, and show them first hand the friendliness of Canadians.
I have not experienced as much as most, but I feel I have done a lot, and love to share these stories. I also love to learn of more things to add to my bucket list from others.

Countries I’ve Visited

Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, Viet Nam

Join Couchsurfing to see Andy’s full profile.